Can you hear them...? The birds...they're chirping? The clouds have parted, the sun is shining and I can hear the quiet whispering of angels cheering and saying, "we knew she could do it!"
Yes friends, I have accomplished. I found another springerle recipe that didn't make me want to cry and through dough into the trash.
By nature I'm not a dilly-dallier. I like to get in, get things done and then relax. Springerle cookies are the type of cookie you need to plan for, think about and do it all over again. Unlike a traditional cookie where you mix everything together and it goes mixing bowl to oven...these suckers are different and you need to dedicate time to these springerles!
I spent an entire weekend watching YouTube videos on how to make springerle cookies and I would encourage you to watch one or two as it will give you a real appreciation for these little masterpieces.
Here is the link I found with the recipe:
4 large eggs
2 cups granulated sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons butter, room temperature
1 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon anise oil or 1 teaspoon anise extract
4 cups all-purpose flour