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LIfe is Sweet

About us


Stacy spent her summers in a tiny, 1 stop-sign type town called, Palisade.  Located on the Western Colorado, she spent hot afternoons picking cucumbers out of her grandparents garden to fishing in mosquito infested waters. Would walk to church on Sundays, make fruit roll ups in the backyard with her grandma and would pick infamous Palisade peaches when in season.

Her strongest and most cherished memory was spending hours upon hours at the kitchen table watching her grandma bake. With curlers in her hair, cigarette in one hand and a tub of Crisco in the other, hours would pass as they talked about nothing and everything. Stacy loves feeling connected and loves knowing it's the little moments that matter. 


Kurt grew up tinkering in the garage with his dad. Given tools and equipped with his own imagination, he fiddled with this and that and developed a deep love for problem solving, fixing and building just about anything. He was the type of kid rebuilding his high school car in the garage at 3 a.m.! His dad would show him once and sent him on his way to figure it out. 

Having spent 30+ years in the IT world, his technical abilities combined with intense drive to create, he's the mastermind behind all the working pieces of Sweet Rolling Pins. Kurt loves a good challenge and will stop at nothing to find a solution! 

Together, Kurt and Stacy work together in their studio in Elbert, Colorado. Similar to the cute baking image above, they are indeed best friends and are about to celebrate their 18th wedding anniversary.

They believe in offering outstanding customer service, even providing a number to call to speak the good old fashioned way...on the phone.  

Feel free to give'm a call: 303-808-9849